CLT Scotland, part of The University of Law, is authorised by the Law Society of Scotland to provide TCPD.

How much will it cost?

You can purchase 60 hours’ TCPD for only £1,200 + VAT (£20 + VAT per hour), giving you immediate access to events. This special rate is exclusive to members of CLT Scotland and flexible payment terms are available.

Register for a TCPD Package >

Book your TCPD course here >

What do I get?

We’ve designed our package to help you meet your TCPD requirements.

  • 4 hours of mandatory ethics training. A place is guaranteed between months 9 and 15 of your traineeship.
  • The remainder can be selected from trainee specific content or from our extensive range of face to face and online events.

What trainee specific content is available?


Business communication survival kit

Commercial insights - what they don't teach you at law school (Part 1)

Commercial insights - what they don't teach you at law school (Part 2)

Commercial insights - what they don't teach you at law school (Part 3)

Employment tribunal workshop

Essential criminal defence

Essential legal proofreading

The Anatomy of a Contract

Mandatory ethics for peat 2

Practical negotiation skills

Proofs in the Sheriff court


Debates in the Sheriff Court (Civil)

Trainee Basics Part One - Starting Off

Trainee basics Part Two - Becoming Established

Trainee Basics Part Three - More Advanced

Land Registration - the Act, the Plans, the Pitfalls

Beyond Time

Essential Financial Skills

The sheriff court (civil) - everything you need to know



Find out more

We can also provide expert advice and support to you and your firm, including onsite delivery of TCPD. Please contact us on +44 (0)141 225 6700 or email for further information and advice.

TCPD - Regulations

  • All trainees must complete a minimum of 60 hours of TCPD during their traineeship
  • At least 40 hours of the 60 hours TCPD must come from an authorised provider
  • The Law Society of Scotland expects that a minimum of 30 hours of TCPD should normally have been undertaken by month 15 of the traineeship but this is not a requirement
  • Between months 9 and 15 of your traineeship, you are required to undertake the Mandatory Ethics Course. This is the only mandatory element of TCPD and must consist of at least 4 hours training and come from an authorised provider
  • Trainees should note that, should they wish to be admitted as a solicitor after the first year of their training contract has been completed, they will require to have completed a minimum of 20 hours of TCPD