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The Trusts and Succession (Scotland) Bill introduced in November 2022 proposes very limited amendment to our laws of succession. The more fundamental changes proposed in the last few years by the Scottish Government remain no nearer the statute books.
In this comprehensive virtual classroom John Kerrigan will consider the impact that the Succession (Scotland) Act 2016 has had on practice, look at the key proposals that have been put forward since it was enacted and discuss where the laws of succession can be modernised, in particular in relation to intestacy, legal rights and the position of cohabitants.
This course will deal with:
- what changes were effected by the 2016 Act to our laws of succession
- how the provisions of the 2016 Act affect the drafting of wills and executries in practice
- the implications of the October 2018 Scottish Government paper
- the consultation on the Law of Succession published by the Scottish Government in 2019
- the matters which still require to be addressed by the Scottish Government in relation to our laws of succession
- the relevant proposals contained in the Trusts and Succession (Scotland) Bill
This event is sponsored by Title Research