Helen Hughes is a partner of Helen Hughes Family Law. Helen is a specialist in Family Law, with particular expertise in cases involving domestic abuse. She has practiced in this area of law since 1987 and, when Chair of the Family Law Association, was involved in consultations with the Scottish Government and SLAB on legal aid issues in family law and domestic abuse cases. Helen is editor and co author of Domestic Abuse and Scots Law and an editor of Greens Practice Styles. She is a member of the advisory board of the Scottish Women's Rights Centre and is also a mediator accredited by the Law Society of Scotland. Helen is currently the Chair of CALM. She regularly provides training to solicitors and the public sector on family law, mediation and issues arising in domestic abuse cases. Helen frequently conducts proofs and hearings involving issues of domestic abuse and is often appointed by the Court to prepare Child Welfare Reports and act as curator ad litem in contentious family cases. Helen is recognised as an experienced, fair and knowledgeable solicitor and is often consulted by fellow solicitors for guidance in family law cases, particularly those involving issues of domestic abuse.